We are supporting eco-friendly agricultural practices and local food production on NCC-managed lands.
We have committed to four actions and six indicators under the “Sustainable food” goal.
Each action has a set of indicators — with clear, concrete and measurable targets — to evaluate success. The status of each are as reported in the 2022-2023 annual report.
8.1 Create a campaign to promote local food production on NCC-managed lands.
8.2 Create a food strategy for urban lands to complement the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Strategy.
Indicators |
Status |
Complete a food strategy |
Establish five new partnerships to help us carry out the urban food strategy |
8.3 Improve the conservation and quality of soil and water resources.
Indicators |
Status |
Launch five pilot or research projects to gather data about soil health and quality |
8.4 Diversify and increase food production on Greenbelt farmlands.
Indicators |
Status |
Complete an assessment of the food produced on NCC-managed lands (type, quality and quantity, currently and in the future) |
Convert at least 200 hectares of existing Greenbelt farmlands for food production |