We are making our green spaces more accessible, and educating people about nature and conservation on NCC-managed lands.
We have committed to three actions and three indicators under the “Connecting Canadians with nature” goal.
We have committed to three actions and three indicators under the “Connecting Canadians with nature” goal.
Our actions
Each action has a set of indicators — with clear, concrete and measurable targets — to evaluate success. The status of each are as reported in the 2022-2023 annual report.
9.1 Partner with local organizations to engage people in conservation on NCC-managed lands.
Indicators | Status |
Increase the number of people using and supporting NCC parks and green spaces, through new partnerships |
9.2 Promote public transit as a way to access Capital parks and green spaces.
Indicators | Status |
Complete a study of green space accessibility, and recommend ways to increase accessibility by public transit |
9.3 Install new bike share locations in NCC-managed urban green spaces.
Indicators | Status |
Increase the number of bike share locations on NCC-managed lands |
This action is complete or is on track for the target to be met on time. | |
Work toward this action has begun, but issues have arisen that have delayed the project beyond its deadline, or that will make it difficult to attain the target. | |
The target for this action will not be met or has not been met. | |
Work toward this action has not yet begun. |