Goal 7
We are protecting wildlife and wildlife habitats on the lands we manage.

We have committed to four actions and seven indicators under the “Healthy wildlife populations” goal. 

Our actions

Each action has a set of indicators — with clear, concrete and measurable targets — to evaluate success. The status of each are as reported in the 2022-2023 annual report.

7.1 Adopt bird-friendly standards for building and landscape design.

Indicators Status
Adopt bird-friendly standards White check mark in a green circle icon
Apply bird-friendly standards in all new projects White check mark in a green circle icon

7.2 Identify and protect the habitats of potential species at risk.

Indicators Status
Collect and analyze data for specific natural areas White check mark in a green circle icon
Collect and analyze data for other natural lands White check mark in a green circle icon

7.3 Create a pollinator habitat landscape program.

Indicators Status
Adopt pollinator habitat guidelines White arrow in an orange circle icon
Increase the amount of new pollinator habitat White check mark in a green circle icon

7.4 Create guidelines to decrease animal deaths from road collisions.

Indicators Status
Complete a research project about the impact of roads on wildlife White check mark in a green circle icon


White check mark in a green circle icon This action is complete or is on track for the target to be met on time.
White exclamation point in an orange circle icon Work toward this action has begun, but issues have arisen that have delayed the project beyond its deadline, or that will make it difficult to attain the target.
White X in an red circle icon The target for this action will not be met or has not been met.
White hyphen in an dark grey circle icon Work toward this action has not yet begun.

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