News Release

Published on September 17, 2020

Canada’s Capital Region — In celebration of the tremendous diversity of tree species that tell the story of our culture and history, the National Capital Commission (NCC) today released a compilation of close to 170 remarkable trees across Canada’s Capital Region.

This interactive map and downloadable book available for free on the NCC’s website will allow the public to discover distinctive features of these trees, revealing a story of the beauty of our natural heritage through the rich diversity of species thriving within Canada’s Capital. The compilation tells the story of our trees, from their physical relationship with the land, to their importance as a source of food for Indigenous peoples, to their role as fuel to the forest industry.

The release of A Living Legacy: Remarkable Trees of Canada’s Capital demonstrates the NCC’s commitment to support the sustainable management of lands and forests, as described in its Sustainable Development Strategy. This tree inventory will help the NCC fulfill its stewardship mandate and make informed decisions about future projects.

Here is an overview of what the NCC is doing to protect our natural legacy:

  • annually planting thousands of trees of various species;
  • developing and implementing a forest strategy;
  • completed a tree canopy study for the region; and
  • controlling the spread of invasive alien species.

In keeping with the NCC’s ongoing engagement with Indigenous communities, this project was made possible with the collaboration of members from the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation and the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation. Their valued input included ensuring that native tree and place names were provided in the Algonquin language.

Quick facts

  • The trees were identified as outstanding based on their age, size, rarity, or other biological and socio-cultural criteria. Some are remnants of ancient forests, while others date back to the very first projects aimed at beautifying the Capital.
  • Accessible on foot or by bike, these NCC-managed trees can be found in Gatineau Park, as well as in the Greenbelt and urban parks, including the Dominion Arboretum at the Central Experimental Farm.
  • Suzanne Hardy, a specialist in identifying trees of interest, collaborated with the NCC to catalogue the most noteworthy specimens on federal public lands in the National Capital Region — based on their age, size or other characteristics.
  • The NCC has also closely collaborated with Tree Canada and The Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS) to celebrate the remarkable trees of this region. A hard copy of the book will be available for purchase on the RCGS website.


“This compilation is a celebration of natural beauty in Canada’s Capital. We are very proud to present it to Canadians, inviting them to discover the most beautiful and exceptional trees in the National Capital Region. Today, trees are more important than ever to our quality of life; they are essential to the health and well-being of all. This book reminds us all to cherish them as they help us build a greener, more sustainable, more resilient Capital Region for all Canadians.”
— Tobi Nussbaum, Chief Executive Officer, National Capital Commission

Media Information:

NCC Media Relations

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