The National Capital Commission (NCC) continues to be committed to creating a dynamic, thriving, connected and sustainable new community and Capital destination at LeBreton Flats.

Following extensive outreach and engagement, including dozens of meetings with hundreds of stakeholders, and thousands of public suggestions and comments, the NCC today released the Building LeBreton draft Master Concept Plan.
“Today, the NCC is pleased to unveil the draft Master Concept Plan, which was shaped through meaningful consultations with the public and key stakeholders,” stated Tobi Nussbaum, NCC CEO. “This plan ensures that the NCC is ambitious in its approach, cohesive in its planning and focused on feasibility, as it works to create a new dynamic community and Capital destination, minutes from downtown.”

This draft Master Concept Plan offers a vision for an important site that will greatly contribute to the future of the national capital. It envisions a place that is pedestrian-friendly, surrounded by lively and active parks and plazas, including the dynamic Aqueduct District, the Ottawa riverfront and a large destination park. A future diverse residential community will be supported by retail and employment opportunities, capitalizing on direct access to two LRT stations.

As of 5 pm today, members of the public are invited to share their input on the draft Master Concept Plan at an interactive open house. They will discover the components of the plan through maps, images, videos and immersive experiences. Members of the public will also be able to complete our online survey until December 6, 2019.

Public input will help the NCC in creating a renewed concept plan that will ensure a cohesive vision for this new community. Comments will also help identify options to consider when implementing the project for the coming years, beginning in 2020.

Next Steps

  • Until December 2019: Public consultation on the draft Master Concept Plan
  • January 2020: NCC Board of Directors’ consideration of the recommended Master Concept Plan and launch of a call for development proposals for the Library District
  • Spring 2020: Development of and engagement on the phasing and implementation strategy
  • Summer 2020: Target for City of Ottawa consideration of an application to amend the Official Plan

Backgrounder: Key Features of the Building LeBreton Draft Master Concept Plan

Informed by international best practices, the draft Master Concept Plan unveiled at the November 21, 2019, Board of Directors public meeting features a lively fusion of world-class, public-realm spaces, along with cultural, residential and commercial elements.

It proposes seven exciting features:

  • Aqueduct District, a vibrant entertainment district with boutique retail, cafés and restaurants.
  • LeBreton Place, a signature opportunity for an entertainment/music venue, cultural institution or sports complex in the heart of the Aqueduct District.
  • Parks and Open Spaces, a large open area in the western portion of the site, featuring a large and distinctive park that provides the opportunity for a range of gathering places, active recreational amenities and natural spaces.
  • Potential Events Centre, a flexible site which could accommodate an events centre or other large anchor near Albert and Preston streets.
  • Albert District, a mixed-use main street neighbourhood that provides space for homes and offices, as well as shops and services along Albert Street.
  • Library District, an extension of Ottawa’s downtown, which anchors the eastern end of LeBreton Flats beside the future Library and Archives Canada and Ottawa Public Library joint facility.
  • Flats District, a pedestrian-oriented, primarily residential neighbourhood.

This draft Master Concept Plan emphasizes increased connectivity throughout LeBreton Flats, with a focus on creating a safe, walkable experience. The mobility network prioritizes active modes by offering a high degree of connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists, linking to the existing pathway network and LRT.

Media Information:

Strategic Communications

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