News Release

April 7, 2022

National Capital Region—The National Capital Commission (NCC) is pleased to introduce an updated Toponymy Policy, presented today to its Board of Directors. The policy provides a more transparent decision-making process for naming and renaming NCC-managed assets.

In past years, the NCC has acknowledged the significance carried by names of sites and other public commemorations. This updated policy provides a framework that will reflect the heritage, cultural, ethnic and gender diversity of the National Capital Region. In the spirit of reconciliation, this will also include perspectives from the Algonquin Nation and other Indigenous communities.

Advisory Committee on Toponymy

The newly formed Advisory Committee on Toponymy (ACT) includes NCC employees, partners from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg and Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation, as well experts in local and national history. The ACT will be tasked with reviewing naming and renaming propositions of NCC-managed assets and may also be asked to provide advice on other matters related to toponymy. The committee’s first order of business will be to consider an existing request for the renaming of the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway.

Toponomy Policy Process

Under the updated Toponomy Policy, the public will be able to submit a naming or renaming request to the ACT. To ensure alignment, the policy establishes criteria to guide the requests, including four naming categories: historical or patrimonial, honorific, Indigenous, and natural or landscape. All proposed name changes to NCC-managed assets must be approved by the NCC’s Board of Directors.  

“The NCC’s Toponymy Policy is based on the ongoing reflections on the ways societies understand place names and their connections to shared history. It advances a clear and transparent process anchored in values-based principles, which will result in a well-informed decision-making process.”
—Tobi Nussbaum, CEO, NCC


Media Information:
NCC Media Relations

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