The NCC offers several engagement initiatives to involve students in concrete actions to create positive change, as well as to experience and help define the Capital. The NCC nurtures long-standing partnerships with educational institutions, which benefit both NCC staff and participating students.
Here are three recent examples of partnerships and collaboration.
Design ideas for 24 Sussex Drive
Carleton University architecture students created a series of preliminary designs for 24 Sussex. The designs were presented to NCC officials, who shared them with those responsible for developing solutions for the rehabilitation of 24 Sussex.
Confederation Boulevard utility boxes
This project invited Carleton University History Program students to dig through archives, newspapers and reports to find stories about the historic buildings and people that have had an impact on the Capital Region. Selected stories were used to beautify the Mile of History on Confederation Boulevard, by featuring them on covers that wrap each of the 12 utility boxes along that route.
Blog: The stories of Confederation Boulevard’s past
Urban Design Challenge
This competition invited post-secondary students from across the country to come up with ideas for important sites in Canada’s Capital Region. The winning teams presented their ideas at a special awards event featured at the NCC’s Urbanism Lab.