Susan Fisher is a senior design and construction landscape architect in at the National Capital Commission. She is the landscape design lead for projects along the Ottawa River South Shore Park including Westboro Beach and Champlain Node. She was the project manager for the design and construction of the National Holocaust Monument in Ottawa, which won an award from the American Institute of Architects. Before joining the NCC, Susan managed research projects in sustainable communities at Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) aimed at fostering innovation in affordable, energy-efficient, transit- and pedestrian-oriented communities such as Equilibrium™ Communities. While at the CMHC, she managed and co-wrote Landscape Guide for Canadian Homes, which received a Canadian Society of Landscape Architects award. Pursuing her interest in sustainable communities, she founded Conservation Co-operative Homes, an 84-unit housing co-op in Ottawa and served on the Board of Directors during its design and construction. The co-op represented Canada in the international Green Building Challenge in 1998. Susan has a Master of Architecture from McGill University (Affordable Homes Program) and a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from the University of Guelph.