The NCC is transforming LeBreton Flats into a place of national and civic pride. The Master Concept Plan offers a cohesive and multi-decade vision for this redevelopment project. It guides its transformation into a new Capital destination and complete urban community where anyone can live, work and play.

The plan was approved in April 2021. It is currently used in the development of this 29-hectare site.

The latest news

Preston Official Plan Amendment

We have applied to remove the Preston Street extension from the City of Ottawa’s Official Plan. This change would fully reflect the Master Concept Plan, which envisions a pedestrian and cycling bridge in the Preston corridor.

Application Details - City of Ottawa

About the Master Concept Plan

The plan is based on public feedback and builds on the 2020 preliminary Master Concept Plan. It envisions a place that is pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly, surrounded by lively and active parks and plazas, including the dynamic Aqueduct District, the Ottawa riverfront and a large destination park. A diverse residential community will be supported by retail and employment opportunities, capitalizing on direct access to two O-Train stations.


LeBreton Flats will contain four districts, each with unique features.

Aqueduct District

The heart of LeBreton Flats — a vibrant cultural hub and entertainment district spilling out onto public space along the two historic aqueducts.

Flats District

A predominantly residential community defined by intimate, pedestrian-oriented streets and a variety of housing types.

Albert District

A mixed-use neighbourhood anchored by the future Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada joint facility to the east and a potential event centre or major facility to the west, the Albert District provides space for homes and offices, as well as shops and services along Albert Street.

Parks District

A series of park spaces combining the community’s industrial heritage with its defining natural elements, creating a unique experience that will draw visitors from near and far to the western end of the community.

Master Concept Plan Strategies

The Master Concept Plan contains seven strategies that form the policy framework for the redevelopment of LeBreton Flats.

Parks and the public realm will be the heart of what will make LeBreton Flats unique. Water forms the spine of the Parks and Public Realm Strategy, connecting LeBreton Flats from east to west through its heart at the Aqueduct District. All public realm considerations at LeBreton Flats will contribute in some way to celebrating and connecting people to the Ottawa River and Nepean Inlet, as well as the historic waterworks complex.

The Master Concept Plan celebrates human-powered mobility throughout its design, incorporating woonerf-style shared-street designs on all internal roads. By intentionally building LeBreton as a universally accessible, transit-oriented, active-mode-priority neighbourhood, the community’s design enables a fully urban lifestyle that provides for the daily needs of residents without requiring automobile travel.

LeBreton Flats will be a thriving hub with diverse housing options, offices, shops, restaurants, services and cultural offerings. The land uses proposed throughout LeBreton Flats help cultivate a dynamic, mixed-use community, while remaining flexible to adapt to changing needs and opportunities.

The Built Form Strategy sets out a flexible set of building performance guidelines to protect the plan’s core performance, while accommodating design innovation and changing market conditions over time.
A focus on transit and active mobility, as well as a commitment to zero carbon buildings, will ensure that LeBreton Flats will become one of the most sustainable communities in the country.
This strategy aims to ensure that culture and heritage opportunities are integrated into the implementation of the Master Concept Plan in ways that honour the area’s heritage, are representative of the Capital’s diversity and showcase its creativity.
The provision of 25 percent affordable and inclusive housing is a key part of the goal of creating an integrated, mixed-income community. LeBreton Flats will provide a range of housing options that include opportunities for housing across the spectrum of affordability.

In the future, an Algonquin Nation Partnership Strategy will be added to the Master Concept Plan, in consultation and collaboration with Algonquin partners.

Implementation Targets

The Master Concept Plan “Achieving the Vision” section includes almost 30 implementation targets that form the core of the NCC’s commitment to the creation of public benefits. Progress toward achieving the targets will be reported to the NCC’s board of directors on an annual basis.

Public Consultation

The LeBreton Flats Master Concept Plan was informed by feedback from two public consultations.

Ongoing input on the Master Concept Plan and the implementation of the Building LeBreton project is provided by the Public Advisory Group.

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